A documentary produced by the Institute of National Remembrance which tells the story of the incredible operation to rescue Jewish children during World War II carried out by nuns from the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary. The operation's initiator and primary coordinator was the then-Provincial for the Warsaw Province, Mother Matylda Getter – the eponymous Matusia. She pledged to take in any child of those arrested or in difficult financial situation. "Whoever comes to us asking for help, in the name of Christ, must not be refused" – Mother Matylda Getter She made effort to provide those in her care with appropriate material conditions, education and a peaceful, family atmosphere. Through an extensive network of orphanages run by the Congregation, she was able to save over 500 children. For her heroism, she was posthumously awarded the Righteous Among the Nations medal by the Yad Vashem Institute. 🎬 THE FILM'S PREMIERE took place on 4 December 2022, during the 80th anniversary of the formation of the "Żegota" Council to Aid Jews with the Government Delegation for Poland. 👥 Creators of the film: ▪ direction – Maciej Fijałkowski ▪ script – Wojciech Kałużyński ▪ filming – Michał Rytel-Przełomiec ▪ editing – Adam Bortnowski ▪ music – Michał Jurkiewicz ▪ historical consultation – Adam Hlebowicz, Dr Mateusz Szpytma ▪ project coordination – Konrad Starczewski ▶ Producer: Institute of National Remembrance Year: 2022 ▶ Executive Producer: Bongo Media Production Sp. z o.o. ▶ Length: 52 min